6 minutes to a better memory

To quickly boost your brainpower, pull down the shades, close your eyes, and catch some winks. It’s found that people who take daytime naps outperform non-nappers on memory exercises. And, surprisingly, a mere six minutes of shuteye is enough to refresh the mind.

Shut your eyes

How does a quick catnap power up your thinker? It seems the mere act of falling asleep triggers a brainboosting neurobiological process that remains effective regardless of how long you snooze.

More ways to sharpen your memory

Go ahead. Be like a battery and recharge. And while you’re at it, here are a few more ways to sharpen your wit:
Flex it: You’ve got to use your brain to make it stronger. Try a fun memory-strengthening exercise like a crossword or puzzle.
Feed it: These folate-rich foods may protect your brain just like a bike helmet does. Good sources of folate include orange juice, fortified whole-grain breads and cereals, and black-eyed peas.
Socialise it: Staying in touch with friends fires up your neurons. Interacting with friends and loved ones could slow the pace at which your memory dwindles with age.

Here’s how long the mind-boosting powers of a nap can last: Napping it Smart

Becoming older and wiser may be especially easy for people who nap regularly. A recent study of men between the ages of 55 and 85 revealed that taking an afternoon nap enhanced cognitive function not only immediately after the nap, but throughout the next day as well. Naps can be especially healthy for people who are not able to get the required amount of sleep at night. Many people experience a dip in energy levels in the afternoon and find it difficult to concentrate. Some of that dip may be due to a lack of quality, restful sleep. Many older people do not get the requisite six to eight hours of sleep per night to maintain optimal health. Poor sleep habits are sometimes to blame. To get the most out of your snooze time, keep a regular sleep schedule; strictly avoid stimulants, such as caffeine close to bedtime; perform strenuous activities, such as exercise, during early day hours; and designate a cool, dark, quiet room as your regular sleep area. Often, an underlying medical condition is the root of sleep problems, so it’s important to see your healthcare provider if you suffer from chronic daytime sleepiness.