Read your Plam


Horizontal lines across the tips of your fingers indicate you've been concentrating a lot or
are stressed and are probably not looking after yourself properly.

Vertical lines across the bottom end of your fingers show you are frustrated and can't
cope with stress.

These horizontal lines show the amount of marriages (or nowadays, long relationships)
you'll have. The vertical lines rising up from them are the amount of children you'll have with each
love match.

The heart line governs your emotions, as well as vascular health. It starts on the thumb
side of the hand above the head line and sweeps across the palm horizontally.

Depth of line: A weak line means you're a highly sensitive, slightly shy type and a strong line
indicates emotional pressure and possible health troubles, like stress and worry.

Position of line: A high line signals that you're emotionally cold, and a low line means you're a
passionate character. A high starting point suggests a supporting role in a relationship. If the
beginning of heart, life and head lines join it shows a traumatic shock to the system - an incident
you may not recover from.

Length of line: A short line suggests you believe in ideals and can be very dedicated to your

Curve of line: The more curved the more emotional and warm, a straighter line means you're less flexible and less physically expressive. If it goes from one side to the other in a straight line it's a sign of possessiveness.
Anomalies: Small lines at the start show you want change.

Horizontal lines from the outer edge of the hand indicate a restlessness or a desire to travel.

The life line traces events from birth to old age, it usually starts above the thumb and sweeps down the palm.

Depth of line: A strong, uninterrupted line means you have a zest for living and love the outdoors.
Position of line: If it starts as a single line at the edge of the palm you are open and self-reliant.
A line that completely restricts the ball of the thumb equals a lack of enthusiasm for life. If it's entwined with the head line you are more sensitive and cautious, the longer it is entwined the more sensitive and cautious you are.
Length of line: A short life line doesn't mean a short life, nor does a long line mean long life. A long life line means you like the physical more than the abstract.

Curve of line: The line curves under the ball of the thumb if you're a home bird. If the line sweeps out you love travel and have an eager attitude to experiencing life.

Anomalies: If it starts as a chain of lines you can be reliant on others. At the end of the line, a fork indicates restlessness.

If you have a loyalty line that is strongly etched it means you have one very close bond in your family circle, usually between a brother and sister.

If it's a strong line, it shows solidarity and a good relationship with your family. However, if it's chained it suggests you have an uneven relationship with your family, things can blow hot or cold.

This line shows the way you think and reason. It starts above your thumb near the life line and goes horizontally across the palm.

Depth of line: A deep line means you can be egotistic. If the right hand has a weaker line you are submissive and vacillating, if the left hand is weaker you are positive and well ordered.

Position of line: A head line that cuts the palm in half means you have great mental control but a strong selfish streak. If the head line begins inside the life line you are full of uncertainty or lack confidence. A head line that is closer to the life line means you are less confident, while if it's
further away from the life line you are more rash, impulsive and ambitious.

Length of line: A long head line means you're imaginative and easily side tracked. A short head line shows you are practical and may achieve fame (or infamy!).

Curve of line: The more the line slopes the more imaginative you are.

Anomalies: A more furry, wavy or chained head line means poor concentration, you shouldn't seek responsibility.

The fate line highlights your nature and attitude to life. This line starts at the wrist and goes up.

Depth of line: The clearer the line the more success you'll have. A lightly etched line means you can be very indecisive. A full fate line means you're aware of your responsibilities and you're upright, honest and straightforward. Lines that fade and return show strong and weak periods.

Position of line: A fate line that begins from the life line means restriction in the early years and
that you've had to work hard for what you've got. If the fate line ends at the head line you have
poor judgment. If it stops at the heart line your career has ended for emotional reasons. If the line
branches out at the end you'll diversify a lot in later years.
Length of line: A long, clear line to the base of the middle finger means independence and determination.

Absence of line: Some people don't have a fate line. An absent fate line means a lack of direction, unsure, unsettled, little pride in yourself or your appearance.

One hand: If you only have a fate line on your right hand then you take the initiative and try to better yourself. If only on the left, it means you have many dreams and ambitions but rarely follow them.

What do you think abt Plam reading.. Is it true?

1 comment:

  1. This article is took and the one which i was insisting for my pals to get it.. Oh too good, i finally got it. Keep it up guy !!... U hv good scope of knowing things...... in life.... This also helps us knowing ourselves better and try... renovating it...!!!


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